Don't Let Your Goals Become a No-Show: Pursue Your Dreams with Vodyssey's Support


We've all done it -


You plan for a future you really want.

You set goals.

You make plans.


You dream about the kind of life you could have on the other side of whatever next transformation you're most focused on, and then...


At some point, each of us "no-shows" on our goals. It might be your child's game you miss because you didn't prioritize well at work, the date you didn't take your wife on this week, or the project you didn't push to completion because you got stuck. There is no worse feeling than not doing what you told yourself you were going to.


I'm taking a few calls this week from non-members.


I rarely do this anymore, but with a few things going on with my team I've wanted to jump on and get connected again with folks who are new at this and looking for our help and support.


I've had some amazing conversations, and again am ALWAYS inspired when I meet people who are eager to pursue their goals and chase their dreams.


Today though, just now, I had a no show.


It's not personal, and this isn't a rant about showing up to calls. People have many reasons why they book a call and don't show up, and not all of those reasons mean they're giving up on their goals.


But -


It's a powerful reminder - am I no-showing my goals?


The plans I've set to accomplish the dreams I have - have I really been putting in the work?


Most people fail because they didn't have a good enough plan - but even the best of plans fail if you don't do the work.


If building a small portfolio of Lifestyle Asset vacation homes that can generate wealth for you is high on your list of priorities, we'd love to support you and help you see the path clearly.


You can book a call with us here. Just don't no-show! 😉


We've all been there before. You set a goal, make a plan, and dream about the life you could have once you've accomplished it. But then, life gets in the way, and you find yourself "no-showing" on your goals. Whether it's missing a child's game, skipping a date night, or failing to complete a project, not following through on what you set out to do can be a frustrating and discouraging experience.


At Vodyssey, we understand the importance of pursuing your goals and chasing your dreams. That's why we're here to support you every step of the way. Whether you're looking to build a small portfolio of lifestyle asset vacation homes that can generate wealth and financial freedom, or you simply need some guidance and encouragement to keep going, we're here to help.


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