How to get properties at better than Black Friday prices (120% discount??)


My email inbox is blowing up this morning with all kinds of companies and Black Friday deals.

Everybody loves a deal...

What's always interesting to me is the psychology of these sales.

If you combine:

- A change in routine (an entire nation eating a lot of food and sitting around)

- A strong appeal (look how fun this gadget looks! Look how much fun our paid models are having with it!)

- A large discount (don't miss out! look at all you're not paying!)

- Urgency (sells out soon, sale ends monday, etc)

...then you get something equivalent to a buying frenzy, whether it's people pushing each other around in person with shopping carts or people pressing buy-now buttons frantically on their cell phone.

We all are affected by these variables. We just choose in what ways we'll be affected.

In fact, the variables above are what inspire me to buy properties!

The only difference is knowledge.

If most Americans understood what we understand, they'd be in a buying frenzy to buy properties instead of gadgets. Let me explain.

Once a year on Black Friday, many people see deals they never have seen before (except maybe last year at the same time).

For seasoned investors, we see deals with all of the above all the time:


  1. A change in routine: I watch markets where the travel industry spend is going up - way up lately in many markets. Whenever I see a trend like this, I investigate.
  2. A strong appeal: I'm looking for properties in which I can create an unfair advantage in the experience of my property. This often comes down to location, interior design, layout, amenities, and more. The right appeal can launch me to the top 20% of my market.
  3. A large discount: This one is very misunderstood by most people. Most people look for a "good deal" on the front end. They want to wait until the market changes and then save 10-20% on the price of the property. Meanwhile, I ALWAYS get a large discount on my properties - more than 100% in fact. This is because I buy properties where rental income will not only cover expenses, but produce cash flow. So while I spend my own (or leverage others or banks') money, it all comes back to me, in multiples. I've still never bought any gadget on Black Friday that was paying me multiples the next year on the same day. That's one hell of a discount!
  4. Urgency: Good investors know all deals have an expiration date. The market changes, someone else buys it, things shift. When you are clear on your goals and your strategy, you have natural urgency - you can find a deal right now in the market you're looking at, you can run numbers and be confident in the potential of the deal, and you can make offers that will get accepted. And you can do it all within a period of months. This brings natural urgency - the kind that comes from having a plan that you know will work.

As I said, everybody loves a deal, and Lifestyle Asset investors are no different - we just find much better deals!

If you are thinking seriously about leveraging your time, money, and knowledge (or leveraging some of ours to get you there) toward investing in Lifestyle Assets this coming year, book a call to learn about our new program structure and how you could be finding your first cash-flowing Lifestyle Asset in the next 3-6 months.



Shawn Moore
Founder & CEO at Vodyssey



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