The 5 main problems that keep people from investing in Lifestyle Assets (solved)


In our work with over 1600 members now, we've isolated success in Lifestyle Asset investing down to solving 24 specific problems.

No one gets their Lifestyle Asset into the top 10% of their market unless they solve each one of these 24 problems

...and everyone who solves these problems gets there.

11 of those problems occur before the decision to invest in a specific property is made.

5 of those problems occur before you decide on the Lifestyle Asset as the investment class you want to invest in.

If you are in that stage (not sure yet if I'm committed to getting a Lifestyle Asset or not), these will help you.

It goes like this:

"I want 6 figures in passive income, but...."

1. I don’t know/trust which strategy to use - real estate? Youtube channel ad revenue? Crypto? Amazon FBA?

People who find us have already chosen real estate as their choice. They want a tangible, real asset and they want full access and ownership control of their asset, weeding out most of the newer options.

Then, they experience:

2. I don’t know which real estate strategy to use - wholesale? Fix and flip? Storage units? LTR? STR? In their mind, it usually comes down to LTR or STR.

People who join us have looked carefully at each of the major real estate strategies, and have decided on short term rentals, typically because of the tremendous return potential over the short and long term, as well as the personal benefits of ownership and this asset class (as opposed to becoming an LTR landlord).

3. I don't know how to execute this strategy in a way that makes sure I really get there (fear of failure, lack of knowledge/experience)

People who join us typically find us in this stage (although some find us earlier). Many have tried a few pieces of the puzzle themselves and discovered there are some things they don't know that they need to, but most simply understand from other aspects of their life experience that they don't want to learn from trial and error, they want a proven system they can rely on and get momentum with.

People who fall out at this stage typically fall out due to a belief that they should be able to do it themselves or they fail to do enough due diligence to discern and see that some vacation homeowners are losing money while others are doing extremely well, and they never commit to ensuring they are the latter. (Some people view STRs as a commodity - aka "I just gotta get one", and nothing could be further from the truth).

4. Of the successful ways to execute the Lifestyle Asset investing strategy, I haven't yet chosen my specific personal strategy - Will I self-manage? Hybrid manage? Find old houses? New construction? Tiny homes? Beach? Mountains? Financing options?

This is the stage where experience begins to be worth 10X to you because it can compress time and save you from what you would consider mistakes a few years from now. It also can prevent you from getting stuck and overwhelmed with all the details.

Making these decisions in alignment with an understanding of your long-term goals are what allows each piece of the process to be fun, rather than getting stuck in analysis paralysis or changing your mind often.

When our members nail down their personal strategy, they experience tremendous momentum and looking at markets and properties becomes fun because you know how to win, rather than looking endlessly at potential markets and properties that could be a good deal but are all too overwhelming due to your lack of clarity and your fear.

5. I don't know what market I want to find a property in

Finally, many people get stuck here without the clarity that comes from the process above. If you are looking at opportunities primarily just through Zillow, an agent, or AirDnA, you likely will spin your wheels for months or even years.

Analyzing not properties—but markets specifically, and holding them up to your long-term goals is what will help you zero in on a real place where you can achieve your long-term strategy.

This 10,000 ft view is what will allow you to know what you're looking for and then correctly evaluate (or even create) the property opportunities that will be available.

Most people never solve these problems, even current property owners.

If you can solve these, you are in the territory to become a top property owner.

After that, you can use our unfair advantages to set your property up in a way that eliminates almost all of your competition.

This is when it gets fun.

Interested in learning more about these 24 problems and how to overcome them? Book a free strategy session with me and I'll share with you the 24 problems LIVE and tell you more about this community and how to start or improve your vacation rental journey.



Shawn Moore
Founder & CEO at Vodyssey



New to Vodyssey and real estate investments?


Are little things are getting in your way of investing in vacation homes? With rising interest rates, understanding good times in the market to buy and different ways to finance your investment can seem daunting. Investing in real estate rentals can make a significant impact on your life! I personally have helped over 1800 people purchase their own homes and cash flow them into rental properties. These investments are bringing them cashflow and even retirement income. Let me teach you to make the right decisions as you gain lifestyle assets.


If you live in the United States and are interested in learning the best way to buy a second home for rental purposes you've come to the right place! I can help you start and grow your vacation rental house investments. Start aligning your financial goals and turn your extra income into something big. We have put a great deal into writing our free book What the Hell is a Lifestyle Asset? This book will help you navigate the complicated world of investing in vacation rentals for a profit and breaks it down into a practical step-by-step process. This book discusses your investment options as you decide between short-term rentals and long-term investments. Learn how to gain freedom from rental income and join a community of smart asset owners!


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DISCLAIMER: The contents of this site are for educational and informational purposes only, and are not to be construed as legal, tax, or financial advice. Any financial results referenced herein should not be considered typical; success depends on a multitude of factors. Use caution and always consult licensed professionals for any tax, legal, or investment advice. All results achieved by our members are their results alone, achieved by their own individual effort and made easier by our help. Investing in education, training, and coaching is an excellent investment for individuals who are willing to implement it and persist until they achieve the results they desire; it is not intended as a substitute for individual effort, decision-making, and due diligence.

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