What Does a "Base Hit" Look Like with Lifestyle Asset Investing?


At Vodyssey, we focus a lot on your long-term goals, building financial freedom (passive income exceeds your bills and replaces your income), and lifestyle freedom (money is no longer the reason you say yes or no).


We show case studies of members who've done it dramatically.


But what does a "base hit" look like in Lifestyle Asset investing?


Well, for MOST of our members, base hits are the game!


In your first year, you might not (definitely won't) achieve financial freedom.


But what if you could find your first asset -


Something in an area you like


Something within your budget (easily accessible with a 10% down second home loan let's say)


Something you're legitimately excited about (numbers look good, you love the idea, you're excited about the vision you have for the property)


What if you could close on it, spend a few weeks or weekends getting things set up, go LIVE, get your first reviews, and have it humming along in the first busy season this year?


What if it started bringing you just $1000-2000/month in free and clear passive income (averaged out over the 12 months)?


What if when you met with your accountants this year, you could write off a large portion of your active income due to the purchase?


This is what a base hit looks like, and you can find them in MANY markets.


We get really excited about the big stuff over here, but at the end of the day, most of us win by making incremental progress on the most important things, day in and day out, slowly.


If you're looking to return $1-2k/mo from an asset you could get using some cash you've been wondering what to do with anyway in the next 6 months, book a call and let's see if we can add some clarity to your plan!


Not only does this provide you with financial freedom, but it can also offer lifestyle freedom. You'll no longer have to say "no" to experiences or opportunities because of money. Instead, you'll have the flexibility to choose how you spend your time and money.


At Vodyssey, we can help you find your first base hit in Lifestyle Asset investing. We'll work with you to clarify your goals and create a plan that fits your budget and vision. Book a call with us today to learn more and take the first step towards achieving financial and lifestyle freedom.


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DISCLAIMER: The contents of this site are for educational and informational purposes only, and are not to be construed as legal, tax, or financial advice. Any financial results referenced herein should not be considered typical; success depends on a multitude of factors. Use caution and always consult licensed professionals for any tax, legal, or investment advice. All results achieved by our members are their results alone, achieved by their own individual effort and made easier by our help. Investing in education, training, and coaching is an excellent investment for individuals who are willing to implement it and persist until they achieve the results they desire; it is not intended as a substitute for individual effort, decision-making, and due diligence.

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