If you've watched the video and are ready to talk about how to build Lifestyle & Financial Freedom Investing in Vacation Homes using our Proven Process for Profitable Acquisition, Management, & Marketing, Click the Button below and Fill out a Short Application to Pick a Time to Talk With Us.


How to build lifestyle & Financial freedom investing in vacation homes

The proven process you can use to acquire, manage, & market vacation homes without creating a second job, dealing with guests, or trying to time markets all while enjoying your properties personally too.

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  • Are you looking for not just financial freedom (passive income exceeds expenses), but lifestyle freedom (money is not the reason you do anything, and you never say no because of money)?
  • Have you searched for years for a predictable, proven system you can use quickly and repeatedly for creating passive income, without quitting your job to flip houses or pursue any of the other traditional real estate opportunities?
  • Have you ever stayed in an Airbnb and thought “we just paid this guy’s mortgage in 4 nights… honey, we should get one of these”?

If you answered yes, then read below to learn how members have been able to acquire their first property in less than 1 month with certainty & clarity by following a proven process


From: Shawn Moore
Founder & CEO of Vodyssey

Let’s get straight to the point - if you found your way to this page, you are probably like me in that you are looking for both financial freedom AND lifestyle freedom — and you’ve probably said no to a lot of opportunities that only offered one or the other.


You’re probably not interested in complex, involved, depressing schemes that involve you quitting your job to go flip houses, saving and scrimping pennies for years and slowly building up a group of long-term tenants in hopes of fun vacations 15 years from now, or trusting your nice broker friend who keeps his eye on the stock market indexes for you.


You’ve worked hard for your money, and you’re not anxious to outsource it to some schmuck or put all your current earning on hold just to go figure out how to get rich investing.


In fact, maybe you’ve reached the point where you look up and say “I work really hard - shouldn’t I be able to enjoy this now and still win financially?”


I am interested in investing strategies I can fundamentally understand, be very good at, and actually enjoy. I like playing games I can win and win big at. If that is you, then I can tell you it will be very worth your time to read through the information on this page and see for yourself.


I think Lifestyle Assets represent the best wealth & lifestyle freedom opportunity in decades. And in this letter, I'll show you exactly how you could go from just casually being interested to investing in your first property and seeing returns in as little as a month from now...


From Zero to $5800/month in Passive Income In Just 90 Days

Read how Jeff & Jessica applied the Vodyssey process to close on their first vacation home in just 22 days & dramatically improve their net worth and cash flow


Most people know that the vast majority of millionaires in America have real estate investing as a large part of their wealth-building strategy. There are a lot of great paths in real estate - each with their pros and cons.


The problem with most paths in real estate is either the time and effort it takes to make money, or the economies of scale that make it hard for the average person to get a chance at the best deals.


Thankfully, when it comes to Lifestyle Assets, the opposite is true.


Done right, they take minimal effort, time increases your returns, and one person armed with our process will find better deals than any institutional investor could…


I have not seen a more exciting, more family-oriented, or more profitable path in real estate than Lifestyle Assets in over 20 years - and I've done it all...


My first deal ever as a young twenty-something was a wholesale deal, I've flipped over 50 homes, I've sold luxury properties, resort properties, single family, and multi-family—nothing comes close to the lifestyle & financial benefits of Lifestyle Assets.

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