Work With an Investing Mentor with Vodyssey: My 3 Iron Rules of choosing a mentor


Don't get me started on the education system in this country and most of the modern world, but suffice it to say I think we can call it largely broken.

Mentors are the new Gutenberg.

When the printing press was invented, it disrupted society as we know it and made vast life improvement available to millions more than could have ever had them previously.

These days, it is mentors who do that, not traditional education systems.

I've benefitted tremendously from mentors in my life, and I've also been burned.

I have 3 rules for mentors in my life:

1. They must have what I want (in whatever category concerned)

2. They must be actively practicing what they preach currently, and have been for years (not a new flash in the pan riding a wave).

3. They must be similar to me in values

I have seen many people burned by not having one of these standards in place before they will invest in and work with a mentor.

In every case, choosing a mentor who does not have one of these 3 things will result in lost time, lost money, or worse. Each are counterproductive.

What's interesting is if you fail to hold these 3 standards in your mind when choosing a mentor, you choose one and follow them, and then are unhappy, it is you who is to blame, not the mentor.

Unless they misrepresented themselves, you simply chose poorly, and that is a hard lesson to learn (ask me how I know).

Every experience with paid mentorship is a learning opportunity - whether that opportunity is financially profitable of profitable only in wisdom (what we call "experience"), depends on these 3 standards.

If you are looking for a mentor in vacation home investing,

1. I have a current portfolio of 7 properties netting me over $500k/year in cash flow

2. I am currently actively acquiring and increasing my portfolio (I usually like to keep it to 5-7 properties, replacing and upgrading my properties over time rather than continuing to acquire more) and our group of investors has more than 1000 profitable acquisitions in just the last 2 years.

3. I believe in thinking long-term, committing to your path, giving the best effort you can, doing things the right way not the cheap way, putting family first, and never making excuses or apologies for your dreams.

This is why our program at Vodyssey is structured to be as committed to you and your goals as you are (and sometimes more than that). No one else will be more committed to your success.

Our curriculum represents the most comprehensive, current, streamlined actionable information on vacation home investing in the world.

Our community is made up of many of the best vacation home investors in the world, and many newer investors who have committed to doing it right and are progressing rapidly - all with a giving and growth mindset, regularly interacting and helping and inspiring each other.

Our tools and resources and rolodex are the best in the world for every part of the process - acquisition, management, and marketing. The best way to do each part of this process is both shown in step-by-step detail and the best vendors and experts in the US on each of these key subjects are active, present, and prioritize Vodyssey members in their business.

Finally, our support is world-class, consistent, and committed. Each week we offer direct LIVE support each day of the week on each major aspect of this business, allowing our members to get access to answers, encouragement, and momentum whenever they need it, permanently and repeatedly eliminating roadblocks and getting stuck.

We go all out for our members, and when they match that commitment with our own, they win and they win big.

If your goals include lifestyle and financial freedom, your values match our own, and you are thinking seriously about this path for a portion of your investing, we would love to show you inside our world and demonstrate just how effective our program and resources could be for you.

You can book a call with us here.

Finding the right real estate mentor is essential if you want to become successful in real estate investing. A real estate mentor can provide valuable guidance, advice and insight to help you navigate the property investment landscape. They can also help you develop the skills and strategies you need to put your real estate investing goals into action.

When choosing a real estate mentor, it is important to look for someone with experience in the real estate industry. Look for a mentor who has a proven track record of success and who can provide you with the knowledge and resources you need to succeed. Additionally, it is important to find a mentor who is passionate about teaching and helping you reach your investment goals. A good real estate mentor should be willing to answer any questions you may have and provide encouragement along the way. With the right real estate investing mentor, you can take your property investment career to the next level.


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