Voyssey: Your Real Estate Mentor

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DIY Do-It-Yourself

A controversial subject!

On the one hand, it's everything. Nobody gets anywhere waiting on someone else to save them. No one is coming. It's up to us.

On the other hand, DIY when mis-applied is the single stupidest thing human beings do, and we do it a lot.

  • Making decisions that will affect you more than anyone else
  • Mastering core skills that are key to your life's most important outcomes
  • Keeping control of what keeps your family safe and provided for

These are all absolutely essential that you "DIY".

You must do these things yourself - these cannot be outsourced without great loss, and failure to master these is not an option.

  • Managing your own property
  • Learning how to buy property from random people arguing online
  • Getting a real estate license just to save a commission on an acquisition
  • Doing high-skill projects in which you have low skill (photoshoots, remodeling and construction, interior design, taxes)

These are STUPID things to DIY.

There, I said it.

Now, we have a lot of members who do a GREAT job at many of these.

But they have the SKILLS to do so at an ELITE level. These skills did not come easy.

Great skill is never DIY'd. Nobody became a Samurai by playing with a sword in a field. It is learned from masters of the craft.

This means that the greatest "DIY" project you'll ever undertake is crafting your ideal life. Deciding for yourself what you want most, and then investing in yourself, your skills, and your network ("who, not how") to put yourself in position to get a HIGH-VALUE reward by generating HIGH-SKILL input - through your own mastery or paying others who have mastery to help you.

At Vodyssey, we are masters at the short term rental game. You won't find anyone with more experience, a longer track record, or more zero-to-results stories. If this sounds like bragging, realize it is because I'm not just talking about myself, but my team of experts and our community.

The best solutions to each of the problems facing a Lifestyle Asset investor are inside our program - and these solutions far surpass anything you could DIY (even at great skill). This is how we win the game.


Why join Vodyssey?

Our team of experienced professionals are here to provide you with the skills and knowledge you need to become a successful real estate investor. We provide real estate mentoring to help you develop the skills and strategies you need to succeed. Our real estate mentors will work with you to customize a plan that fits your individual goals and needs. We provide personalized guidance and support every step of the way to help you reach your goals.

Vodyssey is the perfect choice for those who want to become successful real estate investors. Our investing mentors will help you find the right strategies for you and guide you towards success. We offer personalized mentoring services to help you develop the skills and knowledge you need to achieve your goals. With our help, you can become a successful real estate investor with the confidence and knowledge to take your investments to the next level. Get professional help from Vodyssey today and start investing in real estate with confidence!

You can book a call to learn about joining us here.

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920 S Chambers Street #11, South Ogden, UT 84403

DISCLAIMER: The contents of this site are for educational and informational purposes only, and are not to be construed as legal, tax, or financial advice. Any financial results referenced herein should not be considered typical; success depends on a multitude of factors. Use caution and always consult licensed professionals for any tax, legal, or investment advice. All results achieved by our members are their results alone, achieved by their own individual effort and made easier by our help. Investing in education, training, and coaching is an excellent investment for individuals who are willing to implement it and persist until they achieve the results they desire; it is not intended as a substitute for individual effort, decision-making, and due diligence.

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